If a player guesses correctly, they get 1 bonus point for that round. Whoever has the most points at the end of all the rounds wins the game! For a more advanced version of Odds and Evens, have each player yell out what they think the total will be for each round as they’re throwing their hands. An effort has been made to minimize of the overlap of game pieces of the two games, but by necessity some pieces will be duplicates. Rules for combining the two games will be published separately in the future. If the number is odd, the odd player gets 1 point. This game shares the same mechanics and scale as the Against the Odds game Tarleton’s Quarter. If the number is even, the even player gets 1 point for that round. Then, add up the total number of fingers between both of your hands. On 3, pick a random number of fingers to hold up and throw out your hands. It doesn’t matter who is who-the winner is always random! Once you've chosen, both of you should put one hand behind your backs and count to 3. Then, decide which one of you will be odds and which one will be evens. To play, first agree on how many rounds you want to do. Odds and Evens is an easy 2-player game where players try to score the most points by winning as either odds or evens.